Results for 'Bertha Orozco Fuentes'

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  1.  11
    Pensar lo educativo: tejidos conceptuales.Marcela Gómez & Bertha Orozco Fuentes (eds.) - 2001 - México, D.F.: Plaza y Valdés.
  2. EI retraso del reloj del universo: Isaac Newton y la sabiduría de los antiguos.Sergio H. Orozco-Echeverri - 2008 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 37:159-200.
    Desde hace algunas décadas es un lugar común en la Industria Newton mencionar una y otra vez la creencia de Isaac Newton en una sabiduría perdida. Sin embargo, el trabajo de crítica e interpretación al respecto se ha limitado a enunciar esta creencia sin ensayar una interpretación. Quienes más han trabajado el problema se han limitado a mostrar cómo esta creencia era plausible en el contexto intelectual de la época señalando a predecesores y seguidores de Newton que compartían esta creencia. (...)
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    Laboratorio Didáctico, Fuente Esencial Para Fracturar Barreras de Exclusión.John Jairo Grijalba Obando & Deisy Orozco Buelvas - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-11.
    La necesidad de pasar de las teorías y los marcos legales idealizados a medidas prácticas y reales que se puedan vivir en la escuela, configuran una de las más significativas barreras a la hora de alcanzar la educación inclusiva; por lo anterior los escenarios prácticos como los laboratorios, son espacios que permiten la construcción de nuevas herramientas, fracturando dichas barreras excluyentes desde un enfoque centrado en las buenas prácticas. En consonancia a lo anterior la investigación plantea como objetivo reconocer las (...)
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  4. Octavio Paz: (re)lecturas del muralismo mexicano.Héctor Jaimes - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
    Este artículo propone que la crítica de arte que lleva a cabo Octavio Paz guarda una estrecha relación con su visión poética, particularmente la que se expone en El arco y la lira. Asimismo, aunque teóricamente hablando esta crítica se distancia de las posturas ideológicas, pues considera la producción artístico-literaria como fuente de libertad en sí, aquí vemos que al final la crítica de Paz también llega a ser ideológica y es a través de la ideología como generará su crítica (...)
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  5. Rethinking Roe v. Wade: Defending the Abortion Right in the Face of Contemporary Opposition.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (12):33-46.
    In 2008, many states sought to pass Human Life Amendments, which would extend the definition of personhood to encompass newly fertilized eggs. If such an amendment were to pass, Roe v. Wade, as currently defended by the Supreme Court, may be repealed. Consequently, it is necessary to defend the right to an abortion in a manner that succeeds even if a Human Life Amendment successfully passes. J.J. Thomson's argument in “A Defense of Abortion” successfully achieves this. Her argument is especially (...)
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  6. Are human embryos Kantian persons?: Kantian considerations in favor of embryonic stem cell research.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2008 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 3:4.
    One argument used by detractors of human embryonic stem cell research (hESCR) invokes Kant's formula of humanity, which proscribes treating persons solely as a means to an end, rather than as ends in themselves. According to Fuat S. Oduncu, for example, adhering to this imperative entails that human embryos should not be disaggregated to obtain pluripotent stem cells for hESCR. Given that human embryos are Kantian persons from the time of their conception, killing them to obtain their cells for research (...)
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    Speaking of the Unspeakable: Toward a Psychosocial Understanding of Responses to Terror.Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco - 1990 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 18 (3):353-383.
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    Revisiting the argument from fetal potential.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2007 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2:7.
    One of the most famous, and most derided, arguments against the morality of abortion is the argument from potential, which maintains that the fetus' potential to become a person and enjoy the valuable life common to persons, entails that its destruction is prima facie morally impermissible. In this paper, I will revisit and offer a defense of the argument from potential.
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  9. Eduardo Ensaldo Fuentes, et al." Mineral trióxido agregado".Eduardo Ensaldo Fuentes & Enrique Ensaldo Carrasco - 2005 - Episteme 1 (3).
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    Interview: Carlos Fuentes.Carlos Fuentes & Jonathan Tittler - 1980 - Diacritics 10 (3):46.
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    Pädagogisches und politisches ideal.Bertha Gysin - 1921 - Leipzig,: Der Neue geist.
  12.  53
    David DeGrazia, human identity and bioethics.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2009 - Journal of Value Inquiry 43 (4):537-546.
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  13.  27
    Expressions of Preference and Other Morally Problematic Instances of Prayer.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (4):679-695.
    When considering the role of prayer in the lives of believers, most theists agree that one important effect is the psychological impact on the person who is praying. Nevertheless, the way many of us pray, by primarily or solely focusing on our welfare and the welfare of our loved ones, agitates the human tendency towards exclusion. If we take seriously God’s commandment to love the neighbor as the self, we should use prayer, instead, as a prime opportunity to help cultivate (...)
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  14.  24
    Sustaining a Pregnant Cadaver for the Purpose of Gestating a Fetus: A Limited Defense.Bertha A. Manninen - 2016 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 26 (4):399-430.
    Marlise Muñoz had told her husband, Erik, that if it were ever necessary, she opposed being kept alive through the use of artificial sustenance. Two days before Thanksgiving in 2013, Erik found his wife unconscious on their kitchen floor; she had, by that point, suffered from oxygen deprivation for about an hour. When she arrived at John Peter Smith Hospital, Muñoz was put on a ventilator as hospital workers sought to revive her. They did not succeed. She was declared brain-dead, (...)
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    Virtue ethics, sex, and reality tv: If Aristotle had watched snooki.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2016 - Think 15 (44):47-68.
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    Die theoretischen Grundlagen der Schillerschen Philosophie.Bertha Mugdan - 1910 - Berlin: Reuther & Reichard.
  17.  50
    Die Armen und die Anderen. Zur Diskussion von Armut und Ausgrenzung im Neoliberalismus.Teresa Orozco - 1997 - Die Philosophin 8 (15):57-74.
  18.  35
    Conférence.Gabriel Orozco & Albert Bensoussan - 2007 - Rue Descartes 57 (3):67-81.
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    En recuerdo de Reynaldo Sordo.José Manuel Orozco - 2023 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 21 (146):13.
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    López de Lizaga, José Luis. "Diálogo y conflicto. La crítica de Carl Schmitt al liberalismo".Dairo Orozco - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (150):317-319.
    Se busca rastrear la imagen que Platón tiene de Heráclito y articularla con la estructura argumentativa del Cratilo, para comprender las necesidades textuales a las que responde la doctrina del flujo perpetuo, es decir, la discusión sobre la corrección (ὀρθότης) del nombre. Gracias a la inclusión del testimonio heraclíteo, resulta posible rastrear la presunta consolidación de la tesis sobre los nombres primarios y los secundarios como el eje de la separación entre dos planos de realidad (uno estable y uno móvil) (...)
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  21. Los datos de la filosofía.José Torres Orozco - 1970 - México,: Edited by Samuel Ramos.
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  22. Veinte ensayos sobre filosofía y psicología.José Torres Orozco - 1993 - Morelia, Mich., México: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Centro de Estudios sobre la Cultura Nicolaita.
    Excelente iniciativa de publicar escritos éditos e inéditos de José Torres Orozco, uno de los últimos representantes del positivismo en México. Juan Hernández Luna presenta los aspectos biográficos del autor como su posición dentro del positivismo mexicano. Es de interés señalar que entre los escritos filosóficos hay varios dedicados a Nietzche. Entre los psicológicos, uno de 1922 se ocupa de Freud"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.
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    The Difficult Case of “Bacha Bazi”.Carlos Bertha - 2018 - Journal of Military Ethics 17 (1):79-80.
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    Bolívar Echeverría: crítica e interpretación.Diana Fuentes, Isaac García Venegas & Carlos Oliva Mendoza (eds.) - 2012 - Distrito Federal, México: Editorial Itaca.
  25.  36
    Beyond Abortion: The Implications of Human Life Amendments.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2012 - Journal of Social Philosophy 43 (2):140-160.
  26. The metaphysical foundations of reproductive ethics.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2009 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (2):190-204.
    Many bioethicists working in reproductive ethics tacitly assume some theory of diachronic personal identity. For example, Peter Singer argues that there is no identity relation between a foetus and a future individual because the former shares no robust mental connections with the latter. Consequently, abortion prevents the existence of an individual; it does not destroy an already existing individual. Singer's argument implicitly appeals to the psychological account of personal identity, which, although endorsed by many philosophers such as Derek Parfit, is (...)
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  27.  44
    J. H. Van den Berg Revisited.Bertha Mook - 2008 - Janus Head 10 (2):461-475.
    In his original metabletic research on the nature of neurosis. Van den Berg revealed how, towards the 19th century, the increasingly complex and dividing nature of Western society led to the emergence of neurosis as a form of divided existence. By the mid 20th century, the manifestations of neurosis itself changed from a crystalized disorder to vague neurotic disturbances which Van den Berg related to the societal disorder, incoherence and instability which followed the second world war. He identified a series (...)
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  28.  18
    U.S. Economics and the Quest for Scientific Authority.Camila Orozco Espinel - 2019 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 12 (1):145-149.
    This thesis studies the way in which economists have sought to establish the scientific authority of their discipline during the period before and after World War II in the United States. The research shows how the quest for scientific authority by economists gave rise to new concepts and notions, instruments of control, and calculation methods. Such developments contributed material and symbolic advantages to the discipline in the academic world and the broader academic sphere. By establishing itself as a type of (...)
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  29. Karl Popper y Konrand Lorenz : puntos de encuentro y desencuentro.M. Osvaldo Orozco - 2007 - In Onasis Ortega N., V. Rodríguez & G. Manuel (eds.), Lorenz, Adorno: 100 años. [Barranquilla, Colombia]: Universidad del Atlántico.
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  30. Filosofía, psicologia y ciencia.José Torres Orozco - 1970 - México,:
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  31. A mestizo cosmographer in the New Kingdom of Granada: astronomy and chronology in Sánchez de Cozar Guanientá’s Tratado (c.1696).Sergio H. Orozco-Echeverri & Sebastián Molina-Betancur - 2021 - Annals of Science 78 (3):295-333.
    ABSTRACT This article interprets a recently recovered manuscript, Tratado de astronomía y la reformaçión del tiempo, composed by Antonio Sánchez in New Granada c.1696, in the context of the Spanish and Renaissance cosmographies. Sánchez’s Tratado proposes a spherical astronomy, in which celestial bodies – including comets — move in orbs containing pyramidal knots that explain the changing speed observed in the motion of planets. From this astronomy and following the peninsular style of repertorios, Sánchez derives two major conclusions: the corrected (...)
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  32.  25
    La moral romántica en Mariano Iberico y William James.Richard Antonio Orozco - 2013 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 25 (2):283-305.
    En este artículo, el autor se propone analizar la evolución en la filosofía moral de Mariano Iberico que habría ocurrido entre dos de sus publicaciones en la década de los años veinte. En la primera publicación, Iberico defiende una moral de tinte dualista, forjando un ideal en base a la superación del yo existencial junto a sus intereses, necesidades y urgencias. Una moral de corte metafísico habría sido el resultado de tal propuesta. Seis años después, en cambio, se constata una (...)
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    Multi-Centered Worlds, Limited Accessibility and Ways of Believing.Hector Guzman-Orozco - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (1):75-96.
    Recent descendants of David Lewis, such as Stephen Torre, Dilip Ninan, and Dirk Kindermann have utilized multi-centered propositions, which are roughly sets of possible worlds centered on a sequence of individuals, to characterize the content of attitudes. In an attempt to explain counterfactual attitudes such as wishing and imagining, Ninan (2012, 2013) developed a more fine-grained characterization of multi-centered propositions than others in the multi-centered camp. While Ninan provides a systematic explanation of the nature of de se attitudes (attitudes one (...)
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    Ethnography, cultural context, and assessments of reproductive success matter when discussing human mating strategies.Agustin Fuentes - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):284-285.
    The target article effectively assesses multiple hypotheses for human sexuality, demonstrating support for a complex, integrated perspective. However, care must be taken when extrapolating human universal patterns from specific cultural subsets without appropriate ethnographic contexts. Although it makes a strong contribution to the investigation of human sexuality, the basal reliance on a reductionist perspective constrains the full efficacy of this research.
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    Towards an evolutionary pluralism? The need to establish evidentiary standards and avoid reification of assumptions.Agustin Fuentes - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (4):518-519.
    The adaptationist and exaptationist programs overlap in their need for a pluralistic approach to understanding evolutionary change, and Andrews et al. effectively illustrate the methodological confounds of these approaches. However, the current critique of adaptationism, especially in the arena of human behavior, rests on the tendency to rapidly reify adaptationist hypotheses prior to broad evidentiary consensus across relevant disciplines.
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    Personality Traits Induce Different Brain Patterns When Processing Social and Valence Information.Jorge Carlos Hevia-Orozco, Azalea Reyes-Aguilar, Raúl Hernández-Pérez, Leopoldo González-Santos, Erick H. Pasaye & Fernando A. Barrios - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper shows the brain correlates of Cloninger’s personality model during the presentation of social scenarios under positive or negative valence situations. Social scenarios were constructed when participants played the Dictator game with two confederates that had two opposites roles as the cooperator and non-cooperator. Later the same day during a fMRI scanning session, participants read negative and positive situations that happened to confederates in the past. Participants were asked to think “how do you think those people felt during that (...)
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  37.  26
    Gods, Goblins and Ghosts.Bertha Lum - 1923 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 43:75.
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  38.  19
    A Pro-Choice Response to New York’s Reproductive Health Act.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (1):15.
    On 22 January 2019, New York state passed the Reproductive Health Act (RHA), which specifies three circumstances under which a healthcare provider may perform an abortion in New York: (1) the patient is within twenty-four weeks of pregnancy, (2) the fetus is non-viable, or (3) the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life or health. The first one, that of abortion being accessible within the first twenty-four weeks of pregnancy, is not unique to New York, as many other states (...)
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  39.  13
    Cloning and individuality: Why Kass and Callahan are wrong.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2012 - Monash Bioethics Review 30 (1):65-88.
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  40.  57
    Parental, Medical, and Sociological Responsibilities: “Octomom” as a Case Study in the Ethics of Fertility Treatments.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 2 (1).
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    Undocumented Immigrants, Healthcare, and the Language of Desert.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2020 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (1):19-30.
    Arguments both in favor and against including undocumented immigrants in healthcare reform abound. However, many of these arguments, including ones that are favorable towards immigrants, are ethically problematic, and for the same reason; namely, that they either support or deny the inclusion of undocumented immigrants in healthcare reform based on their perceived level of desert, due to their alleged contribution to our social utility, or lack thereof. This encourages gauging the lives and worth of undocumented immigrants in terms of their (...)
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  42.  10
    Bernard N. Schumacher, Muerte y mortalidad en la filosofía contemporánea : [reseña].José Manuel Orozco Garibay - 2022 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 20 (140):205.
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    Formas breves y escritura creativa: una puerta abierta a la imaginación.María Jesús Orozco Vera - 2020 - Arbor 196 (798):a581.
    En las últimas décadas la escritura creativa ocupa un lugar relevante. Esta demanda socio-cultural se manifiesta en el auge de talleres y de másteres especializados. Escribir con corrección y originalidad constituye, sin duda, una meta atractiva y ambiciosa. En ella se implican profesores y alumnos en un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje donde las formas breves muestran un campo de experimentación singular. Así el microrrelato y el teatro mínimo constituyen modelos literarios que muestran, en sus formatos minimalistas, un amplio abanico de posibilidades (...)
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  44. Comprensión pública del cambio climático: reflexiones sobre temas colombianos.Sergio Orozco-Echeverri & Sebastián Toro-Posada - 2023 - In Paula Mira Bohorquez & Sergio Muñoz (eds.), Estudios interdisciplinarios sobre el cambio climático. Medellin: Universidad de Antioquia. pp. 46-81.
  45.  30
    Engineering Ethics in a Combat Environment: The LNQA Timecard Dilemma.Carlos Bertha - 2014 - Journal of Military Ethics 13 (4):381-383.
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    8 The Pro- Choice Pro- Lifer: Battling the False Dichoto.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2013 - In Sarah LaChance Adams & Caroline R. Lundquist (eds.), Coming to Life: Philosophies of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Mothering. Fordham University Press. pp. 169-192.
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  47. El joven Vasconcelos.Gómez Orozco & Alicia[From Old Catalog] - 1965 - México,:
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  48. Los principios generales del derecho.Rogelio Toledo Orozco - 1953 - México,:
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  49. On the Limits of Virtue Epistemology.Joshue Orozco - 2013 - American Philosophical Quarterly 50 (2):103-120.
    Since Ernest Sosa's (1980) seminal paper, a variety of views on the nature of intellectual virtues and their role in one's epistemic theory have emerged. These views, including Sosa's original, largely draw from moral counterparts for their motivation, articulation, and defense. Consider two broad accounts of intellectual virtues: -/- Consequentialist Conception (CC): An intellectual virtue is a stable disposition, ability, or power to reliably acquire epistemic goods (e.g., true belief and knowledge). -/- Aristotelian Conception (AC): An intellectual virtue is a (...)
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  50.  36
    The no-place of the multitude: the role of immaterial work in the creation of a new "no-place" in the Imperio. [Spanish].Julio Alfredo Franco Orozco - 2006 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 4:60-70.
    Normal 0 21 false false false ES X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} The current political, economic and social processes that appear as symptoms of the new World order organization attempt to take account by Antoni Negri and Michael Hardt in their book Empire. The power, now is in transnational (...)
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